- Experience
- Opponent qualities
- Qualities
- Clock settings
- Analysis objects, scientific investigations
- Playing media
- Playing event
- Moods
- Other factors
So in broader sense, there are no "bad" openings, only just underestimations. But our intelligent sense of humor let's us fairly name some openings as sharp as "crazy opening", "fools opening", or so. But deliberate usage or exploit there weakness, at some point might be effective. So this kind of database at certain situations might be useful, as well. And that is because certain playing conditions during the game determine difference between "winning" and "loosing". The faster the game and the less experience of players, the more chaos in the game is predictable.
And isn't it fairly to name "all openings" with only one descriptive name "Chaos opening"?
II. My chess opening study experience is not deep and broad. This work is an aim to reach a higher level in this area too.
III. Chess openings.
1. f4
1. f3
Blackmar–Diemer Gambit 1. d4 d5 2. e4 dxe4 3. Nc3
Openings for white.
1.e4 e6
1.e4 c6
1.e4 e5
1.e4 Nf6
1.e4 c5
1.e4 Nc6
1.e4 g6
1.e4 b6
1.e4 d6
Openings for black
1.e4 e6
1.e3 *?
1.d4 Nf6
1.d3 *?
1.c4 Nf6
1.c3 *?
1.f4 d5
1.f3 *?
1.b3 *?
1.b4 *?
1.g3 *?
1.g4 *?
1.Nf3 *?
1.Nc3 *?
1.Nh3 *?
1.Na3 *?
1.a4 *?
1.a3 *?
1.h4 *?
1.h3 *?
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