In this page and in comment boxes I'll report corrections or important updates of posts/pages.
In the table: TotalU = Total number of important updates from first post appearance.
Pages/PostsLast update timeWhat was doneTotalU
Post: chess problemsMay 15, 2012"Goal: make a position-problem. Conditions: Change real position (as little as possible)[...]"1
Post: chess 1. b3May 15, 2012Was added diagrams to first 17 games1
Page: TEAMSMay 10,2012My "FICS Team League" team table and available date of 3 rounds2
Page:UPDATESMay 10,2012First time published1
page: experimentsMay 22, 2012"Puzzle: black moves and both wins[...]"2
Page: HELP April 19, 2015 "A quick look". I added 10 links of commands .1


  1. Page created: 16:55(GMT+3), May 10, 2012.

  2. Good job. Now your blog is more readable.

  3. I updated myFICShelp page. Updated "lists", "addlist" lines.
