Sunday, April 15, 2012

The most frequently used (system) aliases (in FICS)

What is your the most frequently used (system) aliases (in FICS)[FUA]?
Help page on system aliases:
My FUA are shown here in this table:
aaccept $@Short form of accept
.tell . $@ Sends tell to last player you sent a tell to
,tell , $@ Sends tell to channel you lastly told
! shout $@Short form of shout command
?help $@Displays basic help files
*kibitz $@Used for kibitz during games
#whisper $@Used for whisper during games
+addlist $@ add an item to a list
-sublist $@ Remove an item from a list
=showlist $@ Display contents of a list
ininchannel $@ Shows a list of channels you are in.
exlexamine $m -1enters examine mode with your last history game
fopfinger $o $@ Shows finger note of your last oponent
f.finger $. $@Shows finger notes of user you last sent a tell too
ffinger $@shows finger notes of a user (relpaced by "$@")
hihistory $@ Displays history of a user (relpaced by "$@")
ho history $oDisplays history of your last oponent
rpingxtell ROBOadmin! Ping [user]Used to check users current ping time
^cshout $@Used to make a cshout
:it $@Alternate to I or it.
ssset shout 1my alias that lets to here shouts
ss0set shout 0my alias that lets to not here shouts
ctset chanoff 0My alias in order to set FICS to listen to channel tells
ct0set chanoff 1My alias in order to set FICS to not listen to channel tells
ts td set tshout on my alias in order to set FICS to hear t-shouts
ts0 td set tshout off my alias in order to set FICS to not hear t-shouts
tlalias tl xtell teamleague $@Now I just have to use "tl" to issue a teamleague command
eeset seek 1My alias. It turns showing seeks on
ee0set seek 0My alias. It turns showing seeks off
csset cshout 1My alias. It turns showing chouts on
cs0set cshout 0My alias. It turns showing chouts off
set tell 0set tell 0No alias yet. This command stops showing guest tells to you and this way ensures that you will not get (more) abusive tells from guest users.
lcstell $o Join LCS! It is free! Have fun and improve your game! Advertise yourself, your needs/preferences and find your best ever playing/training partner! More info: "finger antiseptic".My alias in Promotion of LCS with "tells" to my opponents
lcss$@ Join LCS! It is free! Have fun and improve your game! Advertise yourself, your needs/preferences and find your best ever playing/training partner! More info: "finger antiseptic".My alias. It is like lcs, but this one uses only tell/shout text. I'll decide where text will be sent: or as "shout"/"cshout", or as tell/xtell to channel/individual. Usage examples: "lcss t [user]": "lcss t antiseptic" or "lcss xt antiseptic": "lcss xt [user]", "lcss t [channel]": "lcss t 90" or "lcss xt 90": "lcss xt [channel]", "lcss !", "lcss :", "lcss it"
t0tell $m You are talking to yourself.Direct "tell" to yoursel and test the tell
gggetgame fGets a game using formula
wwseek fr fseek fr f
w4seek w4 fseek w4 f
w5seek w5 fseek w5 f
zhseek zh fseek zh f
tntd nextmy alias for command "td next"

help on FICS alias:

How to set up an alias?
Type in main FICS console "alias", space, alias name, space, command that will be used when typed alias name and pressed "enter".
Let's say you want to say your last opponent "Good game" by typing only two letters gg.
To set up this alias type in main FICS console:
alias gg tell +o Good game
Press "enter", and your alias is set up! NOW YOU CAN TYPE gg an press "enter", AND YOUR LAST OPPONENT WILL GET A TELL "Good game".

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