help, tell, match, rematch, seek, unseek, accept, decline, exl, finger, observe, unobserve, adjourn.
Bots(or TD's) | Description |
Abuse | Finger note 1: Email: - No attachments please. We cannot read them. Finger note 3: If your opponent disconnected in the middle of a game, see "help disconnection". Adjudicate handles disconnection abuse. Finger note 5: All other instances of abuse should be sent to the abuse committee, either by message or email. Be advised that for security reasons, we do not accept mail attachments. If you send an email, please sign it. Make sure to tell us: your handle, real name and email registered on the account. We cannot guess who you are. |
Analysisbot | Finger note 2: This bot provides both interactive (when examining or observing a game), and post-game computer analysis (annotation) |
BabasChess | BabasChess is a new Fics client for Windows |
chLog | Channel Logger |
ChannelBot | Provides additional channels |
ComputerAbuse | finger note 1: 1: Please message this account with reports of known or suspected use of computer playing engines by registered players who are not properly labelled as computers. |
GameBot | keeps track of all games played on FICS |
LectureBot | gives automated lectures |
mamer | Tournament Bot |
notesBot | Bot to search user finger notes |
ObserveBot | observing games according to your preferences |
OpenLib | ics statistic gathering bot |
puzzlebot | Finger note 1: I have 11794 mate and tactics problems for you. I have 775017 problems served so far. |
Sibylle | Answers to questions about FICS |
statbot | Finger note 1: I provide game, rating and RD statistics. Try "tell statbot help" or: 2: finger [handle] : shows statistics for given user |
STCRobot | STCRobot * STC BUNCH Data Collection Account; FICS CHANNEL: 90 admins: blkmagic, Pawnadian |
SurveyBot | Bot which purpose is to establish a relation between standard FICS rating |
relay | relays games(played outside the server) |
RelayInfo | Being used to provided users the Current Relay Schedule |
tbot | monitors FICS tournaments |
TeamLeague | channeltell: TeamLeague(TD)(90): Are you interested in playing some slow time control chess in a friendly atmosphere? Join FICS TeamLeague. Team registration for T50 will soon be open. See at for details/updates Chief admin for Teamleague: jaberwock ? |
TScheduleBot | works like tbot |
WatchBot | stores comments made during the game |
Wesbot | Another lecturing bot, works like LectureBot |
wildBot | play additional wild variants |
TD's (Bots), FICS
- To see all bots; td list: 84 names; some of them are written down:
finger Sibylle
- TD note 1: Do you have a question about FICS? I might have the answer! [to the question:]
tell Sibylle What means TD?
- [The bot answers:] (told Sibylle) :Sibylle(TD) :TD is short for Tournament Director. Computers that are ran not to play, but to provide some other service can be TDs. For a list of TD accounts type "=TD". Finger the individual accounts for more information, eg "finger mamer" or "finger puzzlebot"
finger wildBot
- finger note 2: With my help you can play additional wild variants finger note 3: Currently implemented: Three checks (aka wild 25)
finger ObserveBot
- A bot to help you observing games according to your preferences.
tell observebot set formula blitz & (avg_rating > 1800)
- (set formula)
Finger chLog
- finger note 1: Hi, I am Channel Logger, written by seberg, at your service.
tell chlog help
- CHANNEL LOGGER HELP: Welcome to chLog. I log some channels for a moving 120 minute history.
xtell chlog show 50 -t 90
- Channel 50 log for the last 90 minutes
finger statbot
- statistics
finger puzzlebot
- puzzles
finger endgamebot
- like puzzlebot, end-games
finger GameBot
- 1: gamebot keeps track of all games played on FICS. It stores all games except bughouse and guest games. It has stored 154,289,656 games so far.
- tell gamebot help show
- -
finger Analysisbot
- analysis
finger LectureBot
- finger note 2: a program written by toddmf that gives automated lectures! +channel 67 to join the lecture channel.
finger FicsTeamBot
- team game bot
finger mamer
- Tournament Bot
finger notesBot
- You can search user finger notes with it
finger OpenLib
- ics statistic gathering bot
tell OpenLib help winloss -t
- Displays daily statistics about wins/losses of given player
finger relay
- use "tell relay help commands" to find more about relay commands
finger RelayInfo
- This account exists to provide users the Current Relay Schedule
tell RelayInfo show
- To see the Current Relay Schedule
finger SurveyBot
- This is a bot which purpose is to establish a relation between standard FICS rating and...
finger tbot
- finger note 1: tbot monitors FICS tournaments for problems, and provides some tools for TMs
tell tbot info
- -
tell tbot today
- -
tell tbot tomorrow
- -
Finger BabasChess
- finger note 1: BabasChess is a new Fics client for Windows. It is being developed by RRaf ("finger RRaf")
tell BabasChess help
- for a list of commands
tell BabasChess stats
- interface statistics over all recorded users
tell BabasChess salute on
- about a minute after you logged on, the bot will autosalute you with a shout
Finger TeamLeague
- Finger note 2: Please visit for more information about teamleague or ask in channel 101, which is the teamleague channel!
finger TScheduleBot
- works like tbot
finger WatchBot
- Finger note 2: My main purpose is to store comments made during the game(whispers/kibitzes) so they can be reviewed by the players after the game. See "" for details.
tell WatchBot help
- -
tell WatchBot help [command]
- -
finger ChannelBot
- Finger note 1: I provide additional channels. You can even password protect them. Finger note 2: This project is not affiliated with the server in any way.
- ginfo
- ginfo [user_name|game_number]
- highlight
- set highlight [0-15]
- idlenotify
- +|-|= idlenotify [user]
- Internet Chess Library
- An anonymous ftp archive at (this file may be somewhat out of date. )
- smoves
- displays moves of an archived game
- sposition
- displays the last position of an archived game
- intro_information
- DISPLAYING INFORMATION. There are several types of information that are available about users, games and the server. You can have this information displayed to you by using various commands
- llogons [number]
- Shows the last 200 or so logons/logoffs for the server.(3 minute period)
- logons [user]
- Lists the last 10 or so logons for a user
- say
- communicate with your current (last) opponent
- switch
- request that you and your opponent change sides (colors)
- pending
- Displays all non-declined, pending offers from other players to you and from you to other players
- intro_playing. LOCATING AN OPPONENT
- There are several ways to locate an opponent. (a) To see who is available for a match, type "who a" or its alias "players" ("p" for short). (b) You use a cshout to say "I would like to play a game of type ... ." (c) You can place an ad using the "seek" command. You can also read the ads of other users; read "help sought" for details.
- cshout
- This command send a message to all users who are open to hear cshouts. You, as the sender, will see displayed the number of users who heard your message."cshout" has an alias of "^". SPECIAL NOTES: (a) "cshout" should be used ONLY for chess-related messages, such as questions about chess or announcing being open for certain kinds of chess matches. Use "shout" for non-chess messages.
- v_silence
- Setting silence to 1 will turn off shouts, cshouts and channel tells while you play, examine or observe a game so that communications to you (and words on your screen) will be less distracting to you. When you are not playing, examining or observing a game, you will hear shouts, cshouts and channel tells again. Your settings for the shout, cshout and chanoff variables, or channel settings, will not be affected.
- v_chanoff
- This variable allows you to stop hearing tells to channels without having to remove all of the channels from your channel list. Type "set chanoff 1" to stop hearing channel tells, and type "set chanoff 0" to start hearing them again. Your channel list will not be affected. Users in a channel but who are not listening to it will be marked with {} when you use the inchannel command.
- it [message]
- This command sends a message to all persons open to hear shouts. "It" is similar to "shout" in that regard. However, with "it" your chess server name (or "handle") is always the first word of the message. Also, the "it" message may be preceded by various symbols depending on the chess server being used. The symbol string --> is typical. This command has two aliases: "i" and ":". Here is an example: if your handle is HANDEL and you type "it thinks this server is great!", users will see the following message displayed --> HANDEL thinks this server is great! You, as the sender, will see the following -- HANDEL thinks this server is great! (shouted to ## players) where ## is the number of users who received the message.
- manual_vars
- This manual includes the various help files that describe the variables you can set. The first section is the "variables" help file, followed by the various "v_" help files. This manual will be updated from time to time. The individual help files may provide the most current information, so please refer to them as warranted
- usage manual
- This is the FICS "usage" manual. It contains all of the "usage" texts that are displayed when the command a user types is misformatted. The general structure of each "usage" entry is as follows: Command: [command] Purpose: [purpose] Usage: [usage] Examples: [example]/dd>
- replay
- Usage: replay [seconds] Automatically advance through an examined game.
- resume
- Usage: resume The "resume" command will issue match challenges to all users currently on the server and available with whom you have a stored game, where "available" means open to matches and not involved with another game (see "help who" regarding the "who a" option). For example, if you have 5 stored games and 2 of those opponents are on the server now and available to play, each of those two users will receive a match challenge from you. To see which games you have stored, use the "stored" command.
- S T C
- S T C B U N C H on F I C S, Slow Time Control Chess on the Internet. The Mission of the STC BUNCH is simply to provide a way for players on the internet who like to play a leisurely and thoughtful game of Chess, the means and opportunity to meet with and be in the company of others who enjoy slow chess. It is our goal to support these players through fellowship, friendship, a comparison ratings service, a monthly newsletter, email exchange, and the very best available technology deployed to service the membership.
- system aliases
- There are many system aliases that everyone has by default; you do not need to set them up, they are already there. Where more than one alias for the same command are available, all are listed.
- busy
- Usage: set busy string This command sets your "busy" string. When your busy string is set and people "tell" something to you, they will receive your busy string as a response. Your busy string (if on) will also be displayed below your name in your 'finger' notes. Examples of busy strings you might use are: set busy is really busy right now. set busy will be back in 5 minutes. set busy will be idle for a while... NOTE: a busy string is only temporary. Typing any command cancels your "busy" status; you don't have to clear it yourself. Because a busy string is only temporary, it is useful to have an alias for a busy string if you intend to use it frequently. For example: alias idle set busy is away from the keyboard right now
- statistics
- Usage: statistics [name]
Displays some statistics on players. If no name is specified it gives
detailed stats on yourself, plus general info on all active players. Apart
from the specified player's ratings (as in finger), you will see your ranking
(all, humans only and computers only) ans when your rating becomes inactive
(RD < 80). Listed also are the server stats: mean (average), standard
deviation (sd) for all, humans and computers, computed over all active
players in the specified category.
The system alias for statistics is "stats".
See Also: alias, rd, totals, uptime - Ranking display
- hrank
Usage: hrank [user [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]]
hrank m [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]
hrank m-n [b][s][l][w][z][B][S]
The hrank command is used to see where a user's rating stands with respect to other human users on the server -- computers will be excluded from the rankings. You can also see the hrank of users who have a certain rating, and the ratings of users who have a certain range of hranks. There are four ways to use the hrank command:
(a) Hranking for a *user*: Use "hrank user" to obtain the ranking for a given user and all users with nearby rankings; example: "hrank carlsbad"
(b) Users with a given *rating*: Use "hrank m" to see the hrank of a user with rating 'm'; example: "hrank 1845"
(c) Users with a *range of hranks*: Use "hrank m-n" to see the ratings of users whose hranks are from 'm' to 'n'; example: "hrank 100-150"
(d) *Your* hranking: If "hrank" is used alone, your hrankings will be displayed.
Related commands
crank -- rankings for computers only
rank -- rankings for all users
best -- gives the top 20 in rankings
cbest -- same as best, but only for computers
hbest -- same as best, but only for humans - histograms
- hrstat, Usage: hrstat [B|L|S|b|l|s|w|x|z]
The "hrstat" command produces a histogram showing the distribution of the rating of all human players with a RD lower than 80.
rstat, Usage: rstat [B|L|S|b|l|s|w|x|z]
The "rstat" command produces a histogram showing the distribution of the rating of all players with a RD lower than 80 - User lists
- who, Usage: who [o][r][f][a][R][U][s][b][w][z][L][S][B][A][l][t][v][n][#i#j]
Useful examples:
who -- lists all users logged on
who a -- lists the users logged on who are available for matches
who U -- lists the unregistered users logged on
who 15 -- lists the top one-fifth (20%) of users logged on
The who command displays a list of users who are connected to the server
according to the parameters you give. Typing "who" alone, without any
arguments, will list all users according to their blitz ratings.
USERS TO DISPLAY [default: all users logged on]
o: Only open players.
r: Only players for rated matches.
f: Only free players (not playing a game).
a: Only available players (open & free).
R: Only registered players.
U: Only unregistered players.
#i#j: Only a portion of the who list; #j divides the list into j segments; #i will display the i-th segment; #i cannot be higher than #j; (there are three shortcuts: "who 1" works the same as "who 13", "who 2" works the same as "who 23" and "who 3" works the same as "who 33"). [See the special note below.]
s: Standard rating.
b: Blitz rating. [this is the default]
w: Wild rating
z: craZyhouse rating
L: Lightning rating.
S: Suicide Chess rating.
B: Bughouse rating.
A: Lists players alphabetically.
l: Same as above but without rating/game info. [lower case "L"]
t: Terse. [this is the default]
v: Verbose.
n: Win-loss record. - intro_information(not command)
There are several types of information that are available about users, games and the server. You can have this information displayed to you by using various commands. - SERVER INFORMATION
- command ----- information
------- ---------------------------------------
date - Current date and time at the server
help - Describes a command, displays useful information, or lists all commands and their help file topics alphabetically
info - Lists all "information" help files for non-commands
llogons - Lists the last 30 or so logons/logoffs
logons - Lists the last 10 or so logons for a user
news - Lists recent news items about the server
statistics - Displays information about ratings
uptime - Displays how long the server has been running since its last startup, and various server statistics and parameters
ustat - Displays server statistics for the last 24 hours
Also, the "totals" help file gives updated information about registered and active users on the server. - -
- -
- -
- -
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