LCS - Little chess space. It is helping to each other and playing with each other and having fun together. It is searching game partners by advertising yourself and responding to other advertisements. It is a space where you can achieve best of playing entertainment and hard analysis work. It is a way and the presence of happiness. It is (chess) intellectual property exchange. It is a systematic playing, learning, and having a good time practice. I'll try to show you how to achieve that, and maybe even help you to do that.
Write in the comment box your contacts and what in chess(or chess variant)you would like to learn/teach/coach/practice, what you have learned/practiced.
Also you can write your chess grade/various ratings/experience/achievements and more. And do this in order that others know if they can help you, and if you can help them. If you are a beginner in chess, so write something like that:
"I am beginner in chess. I started to play a few weeks before now. I want to know more about chess, for example, how to learn to play chess opening. I can play in your team when I'd get better."

  1. Everyone can freely comment! Blogger guests and blogger users! Just do not forget to post your contacts with your comment!
  2. All comments are shown from the oldest up to the newest.
  3. Five newest comments are shown in the right bar below "about me" section.
  4. All comments can be subscribed! Just click "subscribe" below the comment box and you will get the latest proposals/news/ideas. An unsubscribe when you'll get tired of them.
  5. Unknown limits for comments published in one page! I tested 104 comments and all of them was published in one page! :) So note, that some old comments might be deleted, but only if page upload time will overcome reasonable limits.
Further updates are coming soon:

1. Why LCS? More detailed description/analysis.
2. Advertising examples. More ad examples and systemic representation.
3. LCS systems. Various schemes how to get better and more satisfied in your play.
4. Project promotion. Why and how to promote this project?


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