
twotowers (1536)- antiseptic (1904)
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 b6 3. Bg2 Bb7 4. O-O c5 5. d3 d5 6. Nbd2 g6 7. c3 Bg7 8. e4 dxe4 9. Ng5 Qxd3 10. Ndxe4 Qxd1 11. Rxd1 Nc6 12. Nxf6 Bxf6 13. Nxf7
13... Kxf7 14. Rd7
Black starts and wins.

antiseptic (1599) vs. jadube (1276) --- Tue May 1, 01:45 EETDST 2012 Unrated blitz match, initial time: 2 minutes, increment: 12 seconds. Move  antiseptic              jadube              ----  ---------------------   ---------------------   1.  g4      (0:00.000)      d5      (0:00.000)   
  2.  Bg2     (0:33.648)      Bxg4    (0:07.250)   
  3.  Nc3     (0:08.532)      c6      (0:04.781)   
  4.  d4      (0:17.345)      Nf6     (0:07.109)   
  5.  Bf4     (0:02.744)      Nbd7    (0:19.625)   
  6.  Nf3     (0:04.176)      Bxf3    (0:07.469)   
  7.  Bxf3    (0:01.562)      e6      (0:09.844)   
  8.  Rg1     (0:06.509)      g6      (0:13.453)   
  9.  e4      (0:47.909)      dxe4    (0:16.015)   
 10.  Bxe4    (0:02.664)      Nxe4    (0:03.688)   
 11.  Nxe4    (0:01.232)      Bg7     (0:20.063)   
 12.  Nd6+    (0:08.051)      Kf8     (0:03.563)   
 13.  Rg3     (0:33.488)      Qa5+    (0:17.579)   
 14.  c3      (0:16.614)      Qb6     (0:38.313)   
 15.  Qe2     (0:18.517)      Nf6     (0:36.500)   
 16.  Rf3     (0:13.690)      Nh5     (0:40.891)   
 17.  Bg5     (1:08.078)   
      {Black resigns} 1-0

antiseptic(1894) vs. stevelco(1759) 1-0
standard 40+20, 2012-05-05
1.g4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Bg2 (0:03) Bxg4 (0:13) 3.c4 (0:03) Be6 (1:31) 4.Qb3 (1:58) Qc8 (6:32) 5.cxd5 (7:47) Bd7 (0:03) 6.e4 (3:47) e5 (1:11) 7.f4 (7:29) Bd6 (0:51) 8.Qg3 (2:03) Kf8 (3:31) 9.fxe5 (0:53) Be7 (0:05) 10.d4 (2:57) Qd8 (0:07) 11.Nf3 (0:56) c6 (0:22) 12.d6 (0:34) stevelco resigns 1-0

antiseptic(1880) vs. StrategyMaster(1845) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2012-04-29
1.e4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.e5 (0:10) Nd5 (0:08) 3.d4 (0:15) d6 (0:36) 4.Nf3 (0:07) Bg4 (0:49)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: antispetic seems to be a very eager TL newbie 5.Be2 (1:54) e6 (1:42)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: using a bit of time here, dispite this standard opening which might even be main line 6.c4 (8:14) Nb6 (0:36)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I'm expecting dxe right now
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: or exd rather 7.Nbd2 (3:38) dxe5 (2:21) 8.dxe5 (0:30) Nc6 (0:31) 9.O-O (2:19)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: if I move the bishop to c5 it will get kicked by the knight, so I guess I have to move it to e7
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I might actually have some time to pull off a fianchetto
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: nah, then h3 comes 9...Be7 (6:30) 10.a3 (4:30)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: there doesn't seem to be a reason to allow b4 in this position 10...a5 (3:01) 11.b3 (0:22) O-O (6:07) 12.Bb2 (1:14) Qd7 (2:59) 13.Qc2 (0:59) Rfd8 (2:17)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I didn't even consider Bf5 til now 14.Rad1 (3:19)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: not that it is a great move 14...Qe8 (0:31)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I have a strange threat of Qf8
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: if the a pawn moves I can play Nb4
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: if not Ne4 or Nb1 I will be able to double rooks 15.Qe4 (9:15) Bf5 (1:18) 16.Qe3 (5:11) Rd7 (1:05) 17.Ne4 (0:59) Rad8 (1:24) 18.h3 (5:51) Qf8 (3:15) 19.a4 (2:23)
JoshuaR(1785) whispers: Wow, SM, you have more time than your opponent. 19...Bb4 (3:09) 20.Bd3 (1:47)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: can't think of a plan 20...Qe7 (6:28)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I'll let him find the plan
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: if paceytallblack wins I'll offer a draw 21.g4 (2:52) Bg6 (1:19) 22.h4 (0:15)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: looks like he found a plan 22...h6 (1:00) 23.g5 (0:43) hxg5 (2:47) 24.hxg5 (0:08) Bf5 (1:07) 25.Kg2 (0:34)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: woops, I just gave anti an open file 25...Bg4 (5:26)
Twikki(2165) whispers: hmm Nf6+ 26.Nf6+ (1:40) Kf8 (1:28) 27.Nxg4 (1:55) Bc5 (1:31) 28.Qe4 (0:19)
Twikki(2165) whispers: Rh1 was good too 28...Ke8 (1:33)
Twikki(2165) whispers: g6 has to be good 29.Be2 (3:08)
Twikki(2165) whispers: Nf6+ gf ef Qf8 g6 was pretty much over 29...Ba3 (2:51) 30.Ba1 (0:36) Qb4 (0:23) 31.Qc2 (0:14) Qc5 (0:53) 32.Bd3 (0:06) Nb4 (0:14) 33.Qe2 (0:56)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: I got lucky I think 33...Nxd3 (0:30) 34.Qe4 (0:11) Nxf2 (0:48) 35.Nxf2 (0:07)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: woops 35...Qb4 (2:09) 36.Rxd7 (1:27) Nxd7 (0:33) 37.Bd4 (0:40) Qxb3 (0:16)
StrategyMaster(1845) whispers: such a game of blunders 38.Be3 (1:14) Qxa4 (1:42) 39.g6 (0:14) fxg6 (1:19) 40.Qxg6+ (0:07) Kf8 (0:50) 41.Rh1 (0:04) Kg8 (0:49) 42.Qxe6+ (0:04)
StrategyMaster forfeits on time 1-0

In this game: [a] Black to move. [b] Black has four moves to defend, two of them are without material loss. Find a checkmate [c]conditions: black plays suicide chess, white plays chess. Puzzle: black moves and both wins :D, find the fastest way :) .


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