Friday, October 26, 2012

Games and tournaments: projects, declarations, negotiations, voting, organizing, playing

Project process (that is possible on this blog) from creating to making it alive. Steps.

1. Create a game and/or tournament project. Useful questions to yourself - write out, check out - what do you like, what do you want?

2. Declare your projects. Write down your preferences and show them to us.

3. Negotiations. Talk about your project to others: Read what others like, want, need, prefer, think...

4. Voting. Find out community choices(preferences) within your project (within your project limits and even beyond them). (You can ask certain questions(as yes/no questions) in this blog and wait for answers, and count/analyze positive, negative or nonnegative answers.)

5. Choice. Choose one project of many possible variants, with your knowledge of community opinions(choices, ideas).

6. Organize. Prepare the project to be living. For example, find the best playing time, schedule, and announce it publicly.

7. You can use my blog:
A. As forum creating projects, getting various types of help.
B. As a project declaration board.
C. As a project discussion forum.
D. As a voting board.
E. As a certain source of knowledge and ideas.

8. Play! :)
Are your project is intended for playing?
The Project created and arranged?
Then let's play. :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

My two special offers

First offer: training

Let's play in "training mode".
Offer "takeback"*, give "moretime"*, accept "takeback"* whenever you want.
Offer or accept to "adjourn"* the game if you like to continue the game next time.
Or simply refuse to accept "takeback"* if you want to end the game. Recommendations: "set noescape off", "set autoflag off".

Second offer: semi-correspondence

Let's play semi-correspondence (e.g. chess).
Game: Wild fr.
Time control: 45 minutes +180 seconds(after every move).
Game is scheduled to restart every 24 hours from last game restart,
and is adjourned(adjourn)* at every 10-th move.
Would we accept these regulations or would you like to make your own special offer?
When we could start playing? Recommendation: "set noescape off".

*Terms: takeback, moretime, adjourn are FICS commands.

If you want to find a player for training or semi-correspondence, write about it here in comment box.

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Ex.1: "I want to play chess in training mode with time control 15 15 (15 minutes and 15 seconds after every move) this weekend.

Ex. 2: "Seek chess, in training mode, 15 15, this weekend".

Ex. 3: "Next week I Seek wild fr(Fisher Random), semi-corr., 60 300, with 10 move adjourn and 24 hours restart.
Ex. 4: "I am searching to play Fisher Random chess next week. Time control: 60 minutes plus 300 seconds after every move. Game is adjourned after every 10 moves. Game restarted after 24 hours starting with the first move."

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