Saturday, March 31, 2012

FICS formula


This article is based on FICS help file
Formulas are very useful to filter users in all ways:
1. Filtering seeks in main console,
(only if seek is set to 1:    set seek 1     )
2. Filtering seeks and using sought command.
3. Filtering games automatically and immediately, using getgame f command. This command loads game board automatically if users seek fits your formula(probably the oldest seek is priority).
Some tips. Formula can have so called "f-variables", named from f1 to f9.
Formula variables can look like this: "1","2", "1minutes", "120", "time", "ratingdiff", or so, but they can be formulas itself, e.g. "time>2", "ratingdiff>-300". Usually "f-variables" are(or looks like) less complex then formulas. Not all logically correct "f-variables" does their job. The more complex variable is, the less possible that you will get the results you want(it just might be, that only a part of your variable will be accomplished). As I discovered, it is best thing, that "f-variables" are of only one type, e.g. variable setting:
set f1 ( (time=2) & (inc=0) ) | ( (time=1) & (inc<=1) ) | ( (time=0) & (inc<= 12) )
is well taken, because clock setting type (time and inc(increment))is used.
But some parts, including "rated", of such a complex "f-variable":
( (time=2)&(inc=0) )& !atomic & !losers & !computer & rated & ( rating > (myrating - 150) )
on my computer was ignored. That's why it is best your formula variables to have somewhere written.

Fast seek formulas

seek 5 0 u 2000-4000
To ask for some color is better just "seek" with certain color
: seek white f
Other formulas
set form time=10 & inc>=5 & inc<=15 & f1 & chess
set form etime<3 & f1 & chess
set form (etime<3 | (!chess & etime<=10)) & f1

set formula chess & unrated & time>1 & time<=3 & inc=0 & white
set formula (chess & unrated & time>1 & time<=3 & inc=0) | (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse & rated & etime>=2 & etime<=4)
set formula (chess & rated & etime>2 & time<=5 & inc<=5) | (chess & unrated & time>1 & time<=3 & inc=0) | (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse & rated & etime>=2 & etime<=4)
set formula (chess & rated & etime>2 & time<=5 & inc<=5) | (chess & unrated & time>1 & time<=3 & inc=0 & white) | (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse & rated & etime>=2 & etime<=4)
set formula (chess & rated & etime>2 & time<=5 & inc<=5) | (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse & rated & etime>=2 & etime<=4)

In those two formulas, second parts, where denoted "rated" and "unrated", does not work.
set formula ((chess & time>1)|((board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse) & inc=0)) & ((time<=5 & etime>2 & inc<=5 & rated)|(time<=3 & etime>2 & inc<=3 & unrated & white))
set formula ((chess & ratingdiff>-100)|((board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse) & ratingdiff>-200)) & ((time<=5 & etime>2 & inc<=5 & rated)|(time<=3 & etime>2 & inc<=3 & unrated & white))

set formula (time<=5 & etime>2 & inc<=5 & rated)|(time<=3 & etime>2 & inc<=3 & unrated & white)
set formula (time<=5 & inc<=5 & rated)|(time<=3 & inc<=3 & unrated & white) set formula time<=3 & inc=0 & white & unrated
set formula (((board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse) & (etime<=5)&(etime>=3)|(chess & (etime<=24)&(etime>=16)))&(ratingdiff>-200 | assessloss>=-4))|(unrated & etime>=7) & !abuser & registered
set formula (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse|chess) & !abuser & rated & ratingdiff>-100 & time=3 & inc=0
set formula chess & !abuser & rated & ratingdiff>-100 & time=3 & inc<3
set formula chess & !computer & !abuser & rated & ratingdiff>-400 & etime>45 & noescape=0
set formula category(wild)& board(4) & !computer & rated & ratingdiff>-150 & (etime>2)&(etime<6)
set formula chess & ( ratingdiff > -200 ) & time = 1 & rated & !abuser
set formula (!chess | (chess & etime>=20)) & !computer & rated
set formula !computer & rated & etime>1
set formula !computer & chess & rated & etime >= 15
set formula !computer & (!chess | (chess & etime >= 20))
set formula !computer & (!chess | (chess & etime >= 20))& registered
set formula !computer & (!chess | (chess & etime >= 20))& rated
set formula provisional & rated
set formula estimated & rated
set formula rd >= 80 & rated

Fast sought filtering formulas

set formula board(fr)&board(4)&board(3)
set formula !board(0)&!board(1)&board(2)&!board(5)
set formula noescape = 0
set formula noescape = 1
set formula provisional
set formula !provisional
set formula estimated
set formula !estimated
set formula estimated | provisional
set formula !estimated | !provisional
set formula estimated | provisional & registered
set formula estimated | provisional & registered & !computer
set formula !estimated | !provisional & registered
set formula !estimated | !provisional & registered & !computer
set formula estimated | provisional & rated
set formula rd < 80
set formula rd >= 80
set formula rd >= 80 & registered
set formula timeseal
set formula !timeseal
set formula private
set formula !private
set formula untimed
set formula !untimed
set formula time<=5
set formula (time<=15)&(time>5)
set formula (time<=15)&(time>=5)
set formula time>15
set formula etime<=5
set formula (etime<=15)&(etime>5)
set formula (etime<=15)&(etime>=5)
set formula etime>15
set formula (etime <= 20)&(time < 10)
set formula (etime <= 20)&(time > 10)
set formula inc>0
set formula inc>0 & unrated
set formula inc>0 & rated & rating >= myrating
set formula inc>0 & rated & rating <= myrating
set formula rating >= myrating
set formula rating <= myrating
set formula rated
set formula unrated
set formula rated & rating >= myrating
set formula rated & rating <= myrating
set formula registered
set formula !registered
set formula registered & rating <= myrating
set formula chess
set formula !chess
set formula chess & rated
set formula !chess & rated
set formula chess & rated & time<=5
set formula !chess & rated & time<=5
set formula chess & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula !chess & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula chess & rated & (time>15)
set formula !chess & rated & (time>15)
set formula chess & rating >= myrating
set formula chess & rating <= myrating
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15)
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15)
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15)
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15)
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15)
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc < 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc < 10
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc < 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc < 10
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc < 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc < 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc < 10
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc >= 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & time<=5 & inc >= 10
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc >= 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>5)& (time<=15) & inc >= 10
set formula chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc >= 10
set formula chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating >= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc >= 10
set formula !chess & rating <= myrating & rated & (time>15) & inc >= 10
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
set formula lightning
set formula lightning & rating >= myrating
set formula lightning & rating <= myrating
set formula lightning & rated
set formula lightning & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula lightning & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula blitz
set formula blitz & rating >= myrating
set formula blitz & rating <= myrating
set formula blitz & rated
set formula blitz & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula blitz & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula standard
set formula standard & rating >= myrating
set formula standard & rating <= myrating
set formula standard & rated
set formula standard & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula standard & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula wild
set formula wild & rating >= myrating
set formula wild & rating <= myrating
set formula wild & rated
set formula wild & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula wild & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula crazyhouse
set formula crazyhouse & rating >= myrating
set formula crazyhouse & rating <= myrating
set formula crazyhouse & rated
set formula crazyhouse & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula crazyhouse & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula suicide
set formula suicide & rating >= myrating
set formula suicide & rating <= myrating
set formula suicide & rated
set formula suicide & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula suicide & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula losers
set formula losers & rating >= myrating
set formula losers & rating <= myrating
set formula losers & rated
set formula losers & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula losers & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula atomic
set formula atomic & rating >= myrating
set formula atomic & rating <= myrating
set formula bughouse
set formula bughouse & rating >= myrating
set formula bughouse & rating <= myrating
set formula bughouse|crazyhouse & rating >= myrating
set formula bughouse|crazyhouse & rating <= myrating
set formula bughouse|crazyhouse & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula bughouse|crazyhouse & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse
set formula wild|crazyhouse & rating >= myrating
set formula wild|crazyhouse & rating <= myrating
set formula wild|crazyhouse & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula suicide|losers
set formula suicide|losers & rating >= myrating
set formula suicide|losers & rating <= myrating
set formula suicide|losers & rated
set formula suicide|losers & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula suicide|losers & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide & rating >= myrating
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide & rating <= myrating
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula wild|crazyhouse|suicide & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula losers|atomic
set formula losers|atomic & rating >= myrating
set formula losers|atomic & rating <= myrating
set formula losers|atomic & rated
set formula losers|atomic & rating >= myrating & rated
set formula losers|atomic & rating <= myrating & rated
set formula assesswin<=10
set formula assesswin>10
set formula assessloss>-5
set formula assessloss<=-5
set formula assessdraw<0
set formula assessdraw=0
set formula assessdraw>0
set formula assessdraw<=0
set formula maxtime(40) <= 2*10minutes
set formula maxtime(10) <= 3minutes
set formula (maxtime(10) >= 3minutes)& (maxtime(10) <= 10minutes)
set formula maxtime(10) >= 10minutes

My FICS (complex, using variables) formulas

set f1 ratingdiff>-200 & !abuser
set f2 assessloss>=-4 & !abuser
set f3 rd < 20 & !abuser
set f4 etime<=5 & etime>=3 & (board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse)
set f5 etime>=16 & etime<=24 & chess
set f6 ((f1|f2) & (f4|f5))|(unrated & etime>=7)
set f7 etime>=3 & etime<=5 & f1 & chess
set f8 etime>=1 & etime<=2 & f1 & chess

set form !chess | etime>10
set f1 ((board(fr)|board(4)|board(3)|crazyhouse) & (etime<=5)&(etime>=3)
set f2 chess & (etime<=24)&(etime>=16)
set f3 ratingdiff>-200
set f4 assessloss>=-4
set f5 ((f3|f4) & (f1|f2))|(unrated & etime>=7) & !abuser
set Formula f5

f1: 2 #time+
f2: 31 #rd+
f3: 50 #rating+
f4: 2 #asseswin+
f5: chess & ((rd > (175-f2+0))|(rd < (f2+0))) & (rating < (myrating+f3 + 0))
\ & (etime > (f1+0))&(etime < (f1 + 4 + 0)) & (assesswin >=(f4+0))
f6: wild & (assesswin >= f4+1) & (etime > f1-1) & (etime < f1+8)
f7: crazyhouse & (etime >= f1+1) & (etime < f1+9) & (inc<11)
f8: suicide & (etime >= f1+2) & (etime < f1+10) & (inc<6)
f9: (losers|atomic) & (etime >= f1+1) & (etime < f1+8)

set formula (f5|f6|f7|f8|f9) & rated

f1: 2
f2: 40
f3: 50
f4: chess & ((rd >(175-f2))|(rd < f2)) & (rating<(myrating+f3)) &
(etime>f1)&(etime<(f1 + 4))
set formula f4 & rated & (assesswin>=2)

f1: (chess & (etime > 3) & inc > 0) | (!chess & (etime > 1))
f2: ( (time=2) & (inc=0) ) | ( (time=1) & (inc<=1) ) | ( (time=0) & (inc<=
12) )
f3: ratingdiff > -150
f4: (assesswin <= 10)& (assesswin >= 2)
f5: (assessloss => -4)& (assessloss <= -1)& !computer
f6: (rd <25) & !computer
f7: maxtime(10)
f8: (f7 >= 2*8minutes) & (f7 <= 2*10minutes)
f9: 1500


set f1 (chess & (etime > 3) & inc > 0) | (!chess & (etime > 1))
set f2 ((time = 2) & (inc=0))|((time=1) &(inc <=1))|((time=0)&(inc<=12))
set f3 ratingdiff > -150
set formula f2 & rated & !chess & !computer

set f3 rating > (myrating - 150)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Idea: LCS!

LCS - Little Chess Space.
It is a practice of systematic playing, learning, and having a good time.
Imagine a group of amateur players who wants to raise there level of there games and at the same time to spend time joyfully.
What would they have to do?
First, players should discover the weakest places in there game.
Is it opening, middle-game, or endgame?
Is it planning, combinations, tactics or strategy?
Is there strongly felt difficulties in realization of positional or material advantage?
Is there a lack of experience of analysis, playing long or correspondence games?
Is there a lack of motivation?
Once players founds out the keys to the better play and gets together, they can teach each other (proving there truths in the game or analysis practice).
Game or analysis is a learning and getting better and better process.
If you can feel better, is it not the best motivation fact of the playing(learning) process?
Better "moves" (in chess board and in life board), better motivated communities gives us better opportunities in analysis, games, feelings,..., life.
So join us!
Let's get back to the game issues.
Two main problems in the game is: begging and the end (opening(debut) and ending(endgame)). How to simply solve these problems?
Simple answer: take object after object, analyze it and use in practice.
There are plenty of objects, and I do not want to spend all the time in analysis and various unnecessary games(by computer or so), what to do? How to choose objects?
The best choice is to choose exactly what you need at that moment.
If you want to drink, you are going for something liquid and/or edible, if you find difficulties in getting it and you can ask for help, you are describing a problem and the description message(tell) to someone who can understand you and somehow help you. So what we found out now? How to achieve best results through the shortest time of period?
We now that there are:
1. Things that I and only I (by myself) can do better.
2. Things that we (and only we) together can do better.
3. Things that I could do by my self, but I will not (a: they are not necessary b: they are too difficult c: a+b), but I would do it in company with others(to get the important satisfaction for my motivation).
Also very important question is:
How to find the right person for the right problem?
The answer is: knowledge what you need and the knowledge where and how to search.
So there should be some descriptions, criteria, databases, and search engines.
We have developed computers and software, also we have some useful brains in our heads. So what else we need? We need some time and health to accomplish our targets.
If we do have, so let's do it.
Let's get back to the game.
Let's answer to more personal questions:

Chess openings:
  1. You play them?
  2. You do not play them?
  3. You know plenty of them?..
  4. You don't know any of them?..
  5. You would like to discover the right-fit-to-you opening?
  6. List openings you know worst(but you'd like to know about them more) and openings you know best.

Answers A,B,C... will describe my, your, other player needs and qualities.
At some point I could help you, and at some point you could help me.
Imagine we have a big database of subjects with there pluses and minuses, and we can easily search through it with other criteria(like possible playing or analysis time, age, language, living place, gender etc.), and contact each other... Yes! It would be some kind of dream.
But we can do the same thing through the longer period of time communicating in blogs, chats, personal messages, forums etc. .
Imagine, you create your database, I create my database, and both databases can be joined: dA + dB = dC. So now we can really do more than ever before(and much easier than ever before)!
So let's do it.

My FICS tournaments

tell mamer finger [player]
td finger [player]
Below is my (as FICS user(antiseptic))examples of the (two upper) commands usage. I have played 28 tournaments on FICS, 6 times I was first, three times - second, and four times - third.
So let's enter the command and get the results:
tell mamer finger antiseptic
same as
td finger antiseptic
(told mamer)
:Statistics for antiseptic, who is online:

:| Variant | Trny | Wins | Loss | Draw | Total | 1sts | 2nds | 3rds |
:| Blitz: | 14 | 25 | 22 | 0 | 47 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
:| Standard: | 2 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
:| Lightning: | 2 | 10 | 3 | 1 | 14 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
:| Wild: | 10 | 24 | 19 | 0 | 43 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
:| Other: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
:| Total: | 28 | 62 | 46 | 1 | 109 | 6 | 3 | 4 |

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


__I. Introduction ..
__II. Preferences ..

I. Introduction

__A. Chess studies and playing using ECO codes..
__B. Early accepted moves sequence..............

A. Playing using ECO codes
Using match command and eco code.
match [user] eco [eco code], examples:
match Kasparov eco a99.07
match Kasparov eco a99.14
B. Early accepted moves sequence.
__B1. Setup mode....
__B2. Examine mode..
B1. Setup mode - the mode before "examine mode". If we need other than usual chess starting position, we are entering "setup mode". Otherwise, we just use "examine mode"(B2)
Using bsetup.
bsetup start
Set up a position. The help of it: Or simply write down FEN code of piece placement like this:
bsetup fen rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR
When set up is completed, write down:
bsetup done [and press enter to enter to examine mode.]

B2. Examine mode. During "examine mode".
Using examine .
examine b chess
If your opponent observing the examined game, then:
mexamine [your opponent]
And after every move enter:
(If not entered,- moves are a temporary subvariation and are not saved for later examination.)
Also you can enter other information, examples are names, clocks times.
wname [whites player name]
example: wname Kasparov
bname [blacks player name]
example: bname Karpov
wclock [hh:mm:ss],bclock [hh:mm:ss],
examples are 1 hour 30 minutes 30 seconds to both black and white:
wclock 01:30:30 ,and, bclock 01:30:30.
To start clocks write:
To stop them:
If you have set up your clock times and unpause'd them, and if you mexamine'd your observer, you and your "observer" can play the game as any usual game with the exceptions:
1. The finished or unfinished game will not be entered to "history" files.
2. Server will not rate it.
3. You must save it (or it will be permanently lost) manually using commands :
mailmoves [game number]
jsave [place in journal] [game number]
4. You must enter "commit" after every permanent game move to confirm that the move is in main variation and is not "just thinking" or "examination of the current position". Commit'ing, you confirm that analysis at this point of the game is over.
More information on FICS website help files.

II. My preferences

A. Games.
1) Chess. For white: 1.f4, 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4;
2) Chess. For black: 1.e4 c5.
B. Analysis methods.
1) With human partner on-line(e.g. on FICS)
2) With human partner off-line by email.
3) Using chess datebases.
4) Using chess program (e.g. playing against chess engine on-line/off-line).

FICS finger 2

Finger of antiseptic

On for: 5 hrs, 7 mins Idle: 0 secs

rating RD win loss draw total best
Blitz 1610 52.1 37 22 1 60 1615 (26-Mar-2012)
Standard 1809 120.6 8 3 0 11
Lightning 1738 78.9 16 7 2 25 1738 (13-Mar-2012)
Wild 1844 38.2 56 65 7 128 1884 (15-Mar-2012)
Bughouse 1476 189.7 6 5 0 11
Crazyhouse 1592 75.8 9 15 0 24 1593 (14-Mar-2012)
Suicide 1515 69.7 15 24 0 39 1529 (16-Mar-2012)
Losers 1668 76.7 11 44 0 55 1676 (19-Mar-2012)
Atomic 1570 57.6 30 47 2 79 1671 (13-Mar-2012)

Timeseal 1 : On

1: LCS - Little Chess Space. Doesn't it sound great? :) What is it? It is a systematic playing, learning, and having a good time, practice. You can join. Write me! More info in my blog will be later.
2: Organizing creative and exciting "Wild tournaments". Want to join? Write me. Join FICS channel 107
3: My photo, my chess study, wild chess community, blog:
4: Challenge me in : w(0,1,2,3,4,5,8,8a,fr) chess variants, or tell(message) me about your intentions.
5: I seek for the most permanent Bughouse player! :}
6: Suggest a theme to discuss (e.g. in my blog).
7: I'm looking for wild chess(chess variant) communities. Please join me in, or you join us.
8: Challenge me in other (nonstandard) games. Check: "boards", then "boards misc" or "boards uwild". More info e.g.: "examine b misc full-power", "examine b uwild 11"
9: Also you can challenge me in various openings by its eco, e.g. enter "match antiseptic eco A24 5 0 w", check what it is: "examine b eco A24"
10: Suggest positions to play. We can play from positions even larger then this: " bsetup fen krr5/pbn5/pbn3P1/pqp2PPP/ppp2PQP/1p3NBP/5NBP/5RRK " , or even smaller then this: " bsetup fen kqr5/pbn5/ppp5/ppp3P1/1p3PPP/5PPP/5NBP/5RQK "

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My FICS finger

My statistics and notes in FISC, this moment. If you would enter (in FICS console) "finger antiseptic", you wold get:

Finger of antiseptic

On for: 13 secs Idle: 0 secs

rating RD win loss draw total best
Blitz 1556 68.6 18 15 0 33 1556 (20-Mar-2012)
Standard 1809 119.1 8 3 0 11
Lightning 1738 76.6 16 7 2 25 1738 (13-Mar-2012)
Wild 1859 45.5 38 41 5 84 1884 (15-Mar-2012)
Bughouse 1476 188.7 6 5 0 11
Crazyhouse 1593 80.8 7 13 0 20 1593 (14-Mar-2012)
Suicide 1515 67.1 15 24 0 39 1529 (16-Mar-2012)
Losers 1676 75.8 11 43 0 54 1676 (19-Mar-2012)
Atomic 1576 58.3 27 46 0 73 1671 (13-Mar-2012)

Timeseal 1 : On

1: Join FICS channel 107.
2: Organizing creative and exciting "Wild tournaments". Want to join? Write me.
3: My photo, wild chess community, blog:
4: Challenge me in : w(0,1,2,3,4,5,8,8a,fr) chess variants, or tell(message) me about your intentions.
5: I seek for the most permanent Bughouse player! :}
6: Very interesting games are : losers, suicide, atomic.
7: I'm looking for wild chess(chess variant) communities. Please join me in, or you join us.
8: Challenge me in other (nonstandard) games. Check: "boards", then "boards misc" or "boards uwild". More info e.g.: "examine b misc full-power", "examine b uwild 11"
9: Also you can challenge me in various openings by its eco, e.g. enter "match antiseptic eco A24 5 0 w", but before, check what it is: "examine b eco A24"

Friday, March 16, 2012


This is me. :)
1. FICS(Free Internet Chess Server) wild chess players and community.
2. Notable wild chess games or analysis, playing or constructing, lone pairings or tournaments. Correspondence.
3. Discussions or meetings.
4. FICS usage help.
5. Other important themes or projects.
6. My handle in FICS is "antiseptic".
7. Games and statistics in FICS, you can find in
8. WIKI: wiki/Free_Internet_Chess_Server
9. Best game selection.
10. Playing various standard chess openings(using eco codes).
11. Playing chess variants (other then ICC or FICS).