__I. Introduction ..
__II. Preferences ..
I. Introduction
__A. Chess studies and playing using ECO codes..
__B. Early accepted moves sequence..............
A. Playing using ECO codes
command and eco
[user] eco
[eco code], examples:match Kasparov eco a99.07
match Kasparov eco a99.14
B. Early accepted moves sequence.
__B1. Setup mode....
__B2. Examine mode..
B1. Setup mode - the mode before "examine mode". If we need other than usual chess starting position, we are entering "setup mode". Otherwise, we just use "examine mode"(B2)
.bsetup start
Set up a position. The help of it: http://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/bsetup.html Or simply write down FEN code of piece placement like this:
bsetup fen rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR
When set up is completed, write down:
bsetup done
[and press enter
to enter to examine mode.]B2. Examine mode. During "examine mode".
examine b chess
If your opponent observing the examined game, then:
[your opponent]And after every move enter:
(If not entered,- moves are a temporary subvariation and are not saved for later examination.)
Also you can enter other information, examples are names, clocks times.
[whites player name]example:
wname Kasparov
[blacks player name]example:
bname Karpov
[hh:mm:ss],examples are 1 hour 30 minutes 30 seconds to both black and white:
wclock 01:30:30
,and, bclock 01:30:30
.To start clocks write:
To stop them:
If you have set up your clock times and unpause'd them, and if you mexamine'd your observer, you and your "observer" can play the game as any usual game with the exceptions:
1. The finished or unfinished game will not be entered to "history" files.
2. Server will not rate it.
3. You must save it (or it will be permanently lost) manually using commands :
[game number]or
[place in journal] [game number]4. You must enter "commit" after every permanent game move to confirm that the move is in main variation and is not "just thinking" or "examination of the current position". Commit'ing, you confirm that analysis at this point of the game is over.
More information on FICS website help files.
II. My preferences
A. Games.
1) Chess. For white: 1.f4, 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4;
2) Chess. For black: 1.e4 c5.
B. Analysis methods.
1) With human partner on-line(e.g. on FICS)
2) With human partner off-line by email.
3) Using chess datebases.
4) Using chess program (e.g. playing against chess engine on-line/off-line).
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